
Slanina lucru tare, ambalata polibloc
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Ceafa fara os,de Porc, origine SPANIA (Congelata)
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Carne de porc lucru congeleta 80/20, origine Germania
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Ciolan Porc,Crud pt.Grill (Congelat)
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Scarita de la Cotlet,de Porc,Standardizata 7-11cm, origine Germania (Congelata)
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Pulpa fara os (nuca) de porc, origine Germania (Congelata)
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Muschiulet fara os,de Porc origine Anglia (Congelat)
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Cotlet fara os, de Porc, origine Germania (Congelat)
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Piept cu os,de Porc, calitatea A origine Germania (Congelat)
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Ciolan Afumat Rustic (pt.Grill) Aprox.700 gr.pe buc.(Congelat)
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Ceafa fara os,de Porc, origine Germania,cu greutatea de 1.8-2 kg. pe buc. (Congelata)
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